Marija Farmer

- Creativity and innovation in social phenomena (Developing creativity of individuals, teams and organisations and creativity in approaching social change)
- Entrepreneurship
- Training for Trainers

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Living my passion and contributing to the world with it I consider my main achievement.  Last 20 years I am connecting activism, trainings/education, empowerment, innovation and weirdness and art, especially theatre. I believe that creativity and art resides in the area of soul, where love, empathy and world peace also live and I am trying to open up that part of people and to call it in action when it comes to framing destiny, their own and of communities they live in.

I want to move away from problem solving approach and to go into opportunity/beyond levels in social change. I don't want focus only on problems, since I believe that perpetuate problems. I want wonderful people to be visible. I want equal amount of projects that will give money/support for youth that write poetry and doesn't hate anyone. I want attention to go there, so we don’t talk about “lost generations and disturb values”, but about “amazing young people and wonderful values they promote”. They exist, but no attention is given to them. I want excitement found in drama, resistance and problem talking in this region to be replaced by excitement discovered in creative endeavours. I want youth field and nonformal education to really live up in practice the values they promote. I want new approaches into looking the reality - instead of using logical brain whose main task is to divide and see differences, to reflect and analyse, to work more in the area of body and right brain, where there is genuine understanding of gestalt and huge appreciation of contradictions, since contradictions lead to creativity. I feel like there are warriors of light and warriors of dark in whole human history. I am a light warrior and I want other light warriors to claim their position and power and to make them stronger and support them. I want us to cry when we lose and celebrate when we win. I want to see around me pure hearts.


I am theatre director (physical theatre and performing arts). I adore bodywork, energy and power of ritual and stage. I write poetry (published 3 books). I have very strong contradictive mind and great balance of left-right brain.