Education and Research Center


We have serious plan for our network to be active and operational for as many years as necessary to create a critical mass of young people who will be enough empowered to oppose any destabilization and negative campaign against their neighbors. How we are going to do this? Simply, by applying critical thinking and combining it with civic engagement.
Education and research center provides unique and quality designed education programs for member organization (their employees, activists and volunteers) using participative non-formal education methods that inspire young people to develop creativity and innovation as well as to think as a responsible and active citizens that practice human rights, freedom and solidarity in reality.


We are not delivering education to youth, we are empowering them to THINK!


Educational activities and life-long learning programs for member organization’s employees and activists
Publications and Research work on SEEYN topics
Gathering of relevant experts from the SEEYN region and beyond


Educational activities
-    450 educational activities implemented in 16 years;
-    72000 participants from 37 countries were involved in SEEYN educational programs;
-    At least 18 432 educational hour delivered to young people;
-    According to post impact evaluation, our trainings mostly influence development of
learning to learn, communication, civic and intercultural competence what is in line with philosophy behind this program
-    80% of our participants find our educational activities valuable and applicable in their daily life;

Researches and publications
Volunteering and public institutions
We can we volunteer – effects of volunary workcamps on pro-scial values and employability of youth from SEE region;
EU inspiring practice on social innovations in youth employment
Effects of volunteering on development of social innivations in employment of marginalized groups
Baseline research on youth unemployment in BIH with focus on marginalized groups;
Evaluation of active mesures for self-employment in BIH

SEEYN Pool of Trainers
SEEYN gathers more than 40 excellent experts in its Pool of Trainers, which boasts on quality and diverse expertise on relevant SEEYN topics.

PLANS for 2016

-    Development of the SEEYN online learning platform;
-    TC: Peace Building and Reconciliation, Leader Training Seminar, Volunteer Management, ICT for youth leaders, Training for Trainers;
-    Long-term mentorship service to participants;
-    Publication of new edition of workcamp handbook;
-    Publication of new edition of volunteer management handbook;
-    Re-think the program purpose;
-    Reasearch on life-long learning programs of SEEYN and its impact on personal and professional lives on young people
-    Creation of set of measures for measuring and improving the LLL impact of SEEYN educational activities